Latest News

NEXT MEETING:……Online 03-09-2020

AGENDA:… to Follow

For information concerning Covid 19.  See  Minutes Board 19-03-2020

Minutes of last meeting:….Minutes Board 06-08-2020

Current activities:

Giving interviews to BBC Points West!

… and overseeing the build ….(Well… not normally with wellies and hard hats, but keeping an eye!)

Pictures from  our ‘Golden Spade’ ceremony  – Friday 21st December:-


Also see: Link to BBC website article   and      Copy of article in Stroud News and Journal

Sadly we have had to change the name from Puddleworth Close, as it was thought to be confuse-able with Puddleworth Lane.   It is now called Fullers Close in recognition of the fact that the clay from ‘claypits’ was used in the fulling process in the Woollen Mills.

Early June 2020:    Building coming along nicely despite early weather problems and Coronavirus!

Click here for more pix