The WoS (West of Stonehouse) development is being built to satisfy the ‘strategic’ need of the whole area. There is no priority access for local people.
There are approx. 400 affordable homes in the whole development, only half of which are for rent – and these are not protected from ‘right-to-buy’ legislation, so will be eroded over time.
These houses may be applied for by anyone in the extended Gloucestershire Homeseeker plus register, which extends as far as West Oxfordshire. Whilst there will be some priority for ‘Stroud area’ people for ‘Stroud area’ houses in general, Eastington people will have to compete normally with everyone else in the Stroud District for WoS houses, based on social need.
An Eastington person would have to be in the Gold or Silver category of need to have any chance of competing for an affordable house in WoS.