

Eastington CLT was set up by ordinary residents of Eastington in response to the lack of affordable local housing both for our children as they grow up and for extended family support as we grow up even more.


The primary aim is to serve our local housing needs whilst helping to limit  further development in our Parish, as far as is possible, via the Parish, Neighbourhood and Local Plan policies.

The West of Stonehouse development has been forced upon the Parish to meet the strategic needs of the whole of the Gloucestershire ‘Homeseeker Plus’ area. It does contain some affordable rented housing,  but Eastington people have no priority access and would compete normally with all other applicants from across the extended district.  Also, these are not protected from ‘right to buy’ legislation.

We want to provide just what is needed in Eastington – and the (documented) need at present is for 23 Affordable Rent homes – which will remain ‘rentable’ for Eastington-linked people in perpetuity.

Any one linked to the Parish is most welcome to join the Trust, to show support, to share in the land-holding  and to help steer the project.

Please see our Membership policy .  This pdf document contains a membership application form which you can print off and return to the  address shown below, if preferred…. otherwise…..
…..if you would like to join, or have any other queries, please email us – or just use this contact form :-


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